Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Footballism of the Day: Hail Mary

So, we've all been are watching a game, and suddenly everyone in the room starts talking about some play in what sounds like another language.  No one was born knowing everything about football... its all about baby steps.  We get that it can be kind of embarrassing to ask... so we are going to start highlighting "footballisms", and break it down into its simplest form for you novices... and share a bit more in-depth knowledge for you rockstar fangirls out there.  If you have one you want us to cover... just shoot us a request!


Plain and Simple:  A Hail Mary pass essentially refers to a pass a QB makes with only a prayer for success.  Typically, these are really long forward passes thrown in pretty dire/desperate situations (often near the end of a half). There isn't really ONE "Hail Mary" play, but most teams have some type of  play in their playbook for a Hail Mary situation.

The Advanced Course:   Want to dazzle the boys with your football chops?   The expression, "Hail Mary" has been around for many moons (definitely since before we were both born), but made famous when it was used to describe the game-winning TD pass by Roger Staubach (of the Dallas Cowgirls) to Drew Pearson in a playoff game against hte Vikings (1975).  Its reported, that afterwards, Staubach said he closed his eyes and said a Hail Mary.

THE "Hail Mary" pass...

As you've gathered by now... a Hail Mary is about as far from a sure thing a QB could do, so they want to make sure they've got a guy with some magic on the receiving end.  Who would you vote for?

Food for thought...

Hugs & Touchdowns,

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