Monday, December 12, 2011

Down With Pink (Jerseys)

Dear Women Everywhere,
Football is awesome.  If you don't already love it... let us help you fall in love! But first, one ground rule: Don't EVER wear a pink jersey.  

This might sound harsh.  But we are really just looking out for your best interest.  They are ridiculous.  They indicate that you are the kind of woman that "LOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEESSS <insert team name here>" , but tries to talk about the last episode of Gossip Girl while your team is in the red zone.  **Please note... we have absolutely nothing against Gossip Girl... or the color pink... we are actually both pretty damn girly, but they just have no place during game-day. 

If you are a fan... wear your team's colors with pride, get a Jersey, rock it, it's hot!   But this....

Article A:  Pink Polamalu... Seriously?!
... should NOT exist, it is a travesty.  Don't give real fans like us a bad name.  We will grant you ONE exception.... pink jerseys are totally acceptable, and even encouraged once a year... for breast cancer awareness. But beyond that, it's really not cool.  . I mean, come on, we all remember how THIS ended:

Article B:  The Kind of Girl Who Wears a Pink Jersey...
Don't be "THAT" girl. And now for a bonus...

Article C:  No.  Just... No. 
 Don't have the football knowledge? Well, you've come to the right place. We're here to teach the clueless, the uninformed, and the late bloomers. You want to hang with the boys? Beat your boyfriend in fantasy football? By the time we're done with you... you'll be having conversations about who's leading the league in rushing, and which team has the best sack artist (don't worry if this is already overwhelming... we are putting a basic terminology tutorial together!!! ).

Stay tuned for lots of fun, fabulous fangirl banter from your favorite Ravens and Saints fans...

Hugs & Touchdowns,
-  Lauren & Lily

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