Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Football gameday etiquette

Hello there. I apologize that it's been nearly a month since our last post. I will admit I got a bit wrapped up in the Orioles' surprise playoff run, which distracted me a bit from my extracurricular activities. Now that they are out, I can refocus my efforts on football! Yay!

Anyway, with the few games I've attended this season, I've seen a fair amount of annoying fan behavior. I figure why not start a football etiquette handbook! Now, that may take a for now I will leave you with some of my "favorite" do's and don'ts for attending football games. Note that unless otherwise specified, these apply to both pro and college.

If you remember one thing from this post: PLEASE wait until the play is over until you return to your seat. I see this at least once a game. The clueless fans a few rows in front of me are in the aisle, and I assume they're going to hold off going to their seats. NOPE. There they go, walking in front of people in their row, while the ball is snapped. People are forced to stand up, and obstruct the game for the others. PLEASE don't do this. I know it sounds simple, but it goes a long way.

This isn't soccer. Shut the hell up when your team is on offense. I had the priviledge of attending a Maryland game a few weeks ago. We had the ball, and all was quiet, until the kid a few rows in front of me starting SCREAMING (and yes, he was wearing Maryland attire, so he wasn't trying to cheer on the defense). That was annoying enough, but when he turned around and got mad that all of us weren't screaming prior to the snap, I really got fed up! Fans, know when to cheer - when your team is on DEFENSE, not offense. This also goes for starting a wave...don't do it on offense! Really though, I'm not a huge wave fan unless the game is a complete blowout and you're bored. More for baseball, anyway.

Don't be THAT fan. What does "that fan" entail, you ask? Well, it's probably the feeling I get inside when I see annoying Steelers fans at Ravens games. I want to yell at them, maybe even throw trash at them, but I refrain. It's embarrassing and tacky. Yes, talk smack (without going too overboard) all you want, but try and be classy . You'll look like less of an idiot if for some reason your team goes down.

Don't pull a Chiefs fan. A few weeks ago, the Ravens played the Chiefs in what amounted to a very ugly game for both teams. The down-and-out Chiefs, who to this day have only squeaked out one win, had Matt Cassel under center, much to the fans' dismay. They even had a plane with a banner fly over during the game, calling for the firing of the owner and benching of Cassel. So what happened when Cassel went down with a concussion and was forced out of the game? The fans cheered! Made me sick. This also happened back in the day with Kyle Boller on the Ravens. Fans, let's not turn this into Gladiator. Yes, you're frustrated and excited for a new quarterback to get a chance. But let's not make the embattled quarterback's life worse than it already is.

If you're twirling a where you put it. This is mostly geared toward Steelers fans, but at an O's playoff game, they gave out "rally towel." I, being an inexperienced towel user, proceded to twirl it without regard. Too bad I hit my brother in the face multiple times. Just have some sense of where that towel is going!

If you don't own a jersey, think before you dress. Realize what colors your opponent is wearing, and don't wear those to the game. I know, it sounds silly. But at the first Ravens game of the season (versus the orange and black Bengals), I saw a little too much orange and black. In reality, these were Ravens fans supporting the O's and their remarkable season, which I'm cool with...but keep it simple with a hat that clearly has the cartoon bird on it, not some sketchy orange and black t-shirt...

Another no-brainer, but be respectful. Take off your hat during the national anthem, and stay silent during a moment of silence. I've heard people yell obscenities while the stadium tried to honor someone's life, and it just didn't feel right.

There you have it. My partial list of do's and don'ts for those lucky enough to attend a game. Have any to add? We'd love to hear!

Yours truly,
Lauren "Purple Friday"

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Life dating a Steelers fan...when you're passionate about PURPLE

We met about six years ago, and once I discovered his allegiance, I just never thought it could work. I’m a die-hard Ravens fan, he’s a die-hard Steelers fan. Match not made in heaven, right? Think again. You’d be surprised how powerful chemistry is. We remained friends for a few years after we met, and it wasn’t until September 2008 when we started spending time together more frequently. Ironically, we had the “great” idea to watch that Ravens-Steelers Monday Night Football game that went into overtime. Joe Flacco's first time against the Steelers, in their house. If you need a refresher, the Ravens did not win that one, and it was decided only by a Jeff Reed (cringe) field goal.
As much as I wanted to say “nevermore,” I couldn’t. Outside of our football teams, we seemed to have so much in common and got along so well. He knows so much about the sport and taught me some of the rules I didn’t already know, and we do at least have the same college football team (go Terps)!
But does this mean it’s easy? Absolutely not! Though we watch nearly every other game together during the season, there are two (sometimes three) weekends in the fall that are off-limits. Fortunately, I do my best to go to every Ravens-Steelers game in Baltimore, so that solves one problem.
However, the game in Pittsburgh always presents a challenge. We’re such crazy fans that we realize we cannot be in the same room to watch that game. Last season, our friends invited us over to watch. Crazy, right? Well luckily, these friends have two rooms, so the gal and I watched it in one room, while my boyfriend and the guy watched it in the other. I really couldn’t hold it in when Torrey Smith caught that game-winning touchdown, and pretty much had to hide my big grin on the way home, but hey, I had to sit through the Steelers beating us in the playoffs the year before (and 2008), so I think my happiness was merited!
Still think I’m crazy? Yeah, I suppose I am. Sometimes, I wish the boy could come up to M&T with me on Sunday mornings – a ritual my dad, brother, and I partake in nearly every home game. Going to Ravens games is one of my favorite activities, and of course, I’d love to share that with the man I love. If you’re wondering, we haven’t been able to stomach the idea of attending a game together, so no, that hasn’t happened (yet?). The perk about not having him at games with me is that I get more father-daughter bonding time; my dad, after all, is who got me into the Ravens.
So after nearly four years together, we’re still going strong. We also haven’t faced each other yet this season, and don’t until November. We’ll have to brace ourselves though, because the crazy schedulers decided it’d be a fun joke to have the two teams meet twice in two weeks. That’ll sure lead to some tension! But I have to admit, it’s a fun tension. Just ask long as, you know, we sweep them again this year!
Ravens fan for life who never lets the boyfriend listen to “Black and Yellow,”

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fantasy Football Tips

Hey ladies,

Thanks again for participating in Tuesday night's draft. I hope everyone had fun! Here are a few more tips for the first-timers:

1) Setting your lineup for the week.
Unlike previous years, this football season will have Thursday night games starting in September (except for next week - the season oddly starts on a Wednesday). Make sure you set your lineups before the Thursday night game that week if you have players in those games. To do this, you go to the "My Team" tab, which brings up all your players. From here, you can drag your players to the white area of the table, which means they will be starting that week. If they have "BN" next to them, that means they will be benched and will not be earning you points.

Important note - even if you set your lineup on Thursday for the week, you still can still make changes after that for your players who don't play until Sunday. For example, if you set your lineup Thursday, but find out one of your players gets injured in practice on Friday, you can bench him as late as Sunday right before the game if need be. Basically, if the guy hasn't played yet, you can still move him to the bench or the starter. Once he's played, you are set with him in that position.

2) Checking the status of your players.
When you're looking at your players, you'll see each has a yellow, white, or blue "post-it" icon next to their name. This is their status update, and is very helpful to check each week, especially if that player sustained an injury the previous week. A yellow note with a star on it means check this now! White means there is nothing new to report. First-timers will find these notes helpful as they also provide recommendations on whether to sit or start a player.

3) Follow your team on gameday.
The "Matchup" tab shows your head-to-head scoring against your opponent. You'll need to refresh this page during the games, so if you'd like to see a live scoring of all teams, go to the the "Stattracker" tab, which will open a pop-up to reveal not only your team's live results, but all other teams in the league. Just make sure you disable your pop-up blocker for the site. You can also chat here, if you desire to post some smack talk...

4) Adding/removing players from your team.
The "Players" tab is where to go when you're ready to add a new player to your roster, which you may want to consider if one of your players goes on injured reserve or is hurt for a few weeks. Simply find the player you want, then click on the green plus sign. This will then take you to your team view, where you'll be required to drop a player so you don't have an extra one. Simply check off the player you want to drop, then it will bring you to a confirmation screen where you can give final approval. Easy-peasy!

Stay tuned for some more tips and tricks! In the meantime, feel free to send us any questions here or via our Facebook page.

Happy footballing!
Lauren & Lily

Thursday, April 19, 2012

They're playing who? WHEN?!

Well, that time in April has quickly rolled around. No, not the draft...the schedule release! This year proves to have many twists and turns. I'm quite excited that we have another Thanksgiving to not sleep through, with some marquee divisional matchups. Here are my initial thoughts on what's in store:

Games of interest...
Wednesday, September 5, Cowboys @ Giants. Regardless of who's playing, this is the first game of the year, so obviously it's circled. "America's Team" (vomit) travels to divisional rival and reigning Superbowl champ G-men. As much as I don't want the reigning Superbowl team to get off to a great start, the Cowboys annoy me enough that I'll be rooting for the Giants. You're welcome, Raquel.

Sunday, September 9, Redskins @ Saints. We assume the 'Skins, with the #2 pick, will select Robert Griffin III (RG III, for those living under a rock). His debut comes in New Orleans, a historically tough place to play, facing a team that's already pissed about losing its coach. Should be veryyyyy interesting!

Sunday, September 9, Steelers @ Broncos. It's a playoff rematch! Except this time...the Steelers can't get Tebow'd because Pey Pey is the new quarterback (but funny, they get the Jets the following week). I'm just interested to see how Pey Pey looks after missing a whole season due to his neck injury. The Steelers are not a team I'd want to face on my first day back!

Thursday, September 13, Bears @ Packers. This one speaks for itself. The oldest rivalry in football, on the first Thursday night game of the season. Good to note that there will be Thursday night games all season, which is awesome if you own NFL network. Otherwise you may find yourself having a few more Thirsty Thursdays at your local watering hole than usual...

Sunday, September 16, Lions @ 49ers. Ha! Last season, this game ended with the battle of the Jims. Harbaugh and Schwartz had a friendly little...uh, pushing match? Will they be happy to see one another! One can only hope!

Sunday, September 23, Patriots @ Ravens. I know I have this one circled on my calendar. My Ravens will be looking to avenge the "what could've been," Lee Evans dropping, Billy Cundiff wide-righting loss to the Bradies. Even without that, the Pats and Ravens always play each other close. Thankfully for me, they get to come to our house, for our first Monday Night Football home game since 2007...and who did we play then? Oh yes, the Pats. Bart Scott threw a penalty flag. I'd like to think we've evolved from that.

Sunday, October 7, Broncos @ Patriots. Assuming Pey Pey is still healthy, he faces his classic nemesis, Tom Bundchen. Always an interesting matchup.

Sunday, October 14, Giants @ 49ers. Another playoff rematch from the 2011 season. 49ers seek revenge on the G-men, who, like the Pats vs. Ravens, barely came away with the win in the NFC Championships.

Sunday, October 21, Jets @ Pats (crap, is this the THIRD Pats game I'm highlighting? eek). Anyway, whether you like it or not, this game will be heavily hyped with these two division rivals. Will Sanchez still be starting? Will Tebow get a chance to redeem himself against a team that embarrassed him in the playoffs? These are questions that need answers!

Sunday, October 28, Various divisional matchups. Might be a good day to have NFL Red Zone. You've got Colts @ Titans, Raiders @ Chiefs, Giants @ Cowboys, and Niners @ Cardinals. Oh, and we can't forget Mike Vick's Eagles hosting his former team, the Falcons...people always like to hype this one up.

Sunday, November 4, Panthers @ Redskins. Cam Newton, second-year QB, vs. RG III, first-year QB with a similar style. Could be a fun game to watch, assuming the 'Skins are still competitive and their fans haven't given up hope just yet.

Sunday, November 18, Various Divisional Matchups. This is another week when you may just need to have NFL Red Zone (I promise, this isn’t a promo for them)! Dolphins @ Bills the previous Thursday night, Eagles @ Redksins, Packers @ Lions, Buccs @ Panthers, Jags @ Texans, Chargers @ Broncos, and then, my favorite, Ravens @ Steelers on Sunday Night Football. I’m gonna need these good matchups to keep me distracted from anxiously awaiting the AFC North grudge match that night!

Thursday, November 22 (aka THANKSGIVING!). Last year, we had Suh’s stomping and the Harbowl. This year, we get Texans at Lions (should these 2011 playoff teams continue their successes they had last year, it’ll be a good one), Redskins at Cowboys (historic rivalry, duh), and Patriots at Jets (another divisional rivalry). Great post-Turkey gorging recovery.

Sunday, December 2 (aka if you missed the matchups on November 18, here’s your second chance). The holiday season is in full swing when the Saints play at the Falcons the previous Thursday, Vikings @ Packers (maybe the Vikings will be more competitive this year?), 49ers @ Rams, Pats @ Dolphins, Texans @ Titans (ah, I do miss the Andre Johnson-Cortland Finnegan rivalry…too bad Finnegan’s a Ram), Steelers @ Ravens (wait, didn’t we just play them two weeks ago?), Eagles @ Cowboys, and Giants @ Redskins.

Sunday, December 9, Ravens @ Redskins. Battle of the beltway? Bragging rights for where I live, at least!

Sunday, December 9, Chargers @ Steelers. The theme for this will be the 2004 draft; both Philip Rivers and Ben Roethlisberger were drafted that year. Rivers is just 1-3 against the Steelers. Can this be reversed? Will be tough sledding, playing away from home at noisy Heinz Field.

Sunday, December 16, Colts @ Texans. Yes, a divisional matchup, but I'm more interested in seeing how Andrew Luck (we assume), fares this time of year against the Texans' tough defense.

Saturday, December 22nd, Falcons @ Lions. This matchup could very well decide a playoff spot--and I'm thinking possibly wild card. Wait, didn't this just happen a year ago??? This is technically the Monday Night Football game, since Christmas Eve falls on a Monday this year. Some other matchups to watch the next day: Bills @ Dolphins, Bengals @ Steelers, Saints @ Cowboys (another potential playoff fight?), Redskins @ Eagles, Giants @ Ravens (Superbowl 2001 rematch?), 49ers @ Seahawks, and Chargers @ Jets (yet another potential playoff fight).

Ah, the final week...Sunday, December 30, will not disappoint. I'm a big fan of the NFL scheduling all final games as divisional matchups. It's so difficult in April to figure out which teams will be the contenders, as there's always a surprise team and one that disappoints. But I imagine some marquee matchups at this stage could be Jets-Bills (yes, I'm actually hoping the Bills can put a decent season together this year!), Ravens-Bengals, Eagles-Giants, Bears-Lions, and one of the NFC West games (since they're always a crap shoot).

So there you have it. My early analysis of the 2012 season. Just five more months 'til we're there! For now, I gotta wonder how long this O's success is going to go until they revert to their losing form of seasons past...

-Lauren "Purple Friday"

Friday, February 3, 2012

Top 10 Things NOT to Say During Superbowl

OK,'s that time of year. The time where you can really put that football knowledge to good use. But if you're still a beginner, no worries. Just follow our list of the top 10 things you just don't want to say while watching this year's Super Bowl. Follow these, and you may just earn a little more respect from the guys!
  1. "That Tom Brady.... he's sooooooooo dreamy!!!"  (Sorry, but Beiber...I mean Brady, makes me want to gag. Sad excuse for a man...unless a man abandoning his pregnant girlfriend for a supermodel does it for you).
  2. "Just let me know when the halftime show starts." (Do yourself a favor...if you don't like football, just make yourself scarce and save everyone the pain).
  3. "Is Madonna on YET?!" (Just don't even think about it).
  5. "OH MY GOD it's Peyton!!!!! (no, it's actually Eli...Peyton didn't play one snap of football all season due to a neck injury and he may not even return at all...)
  6. "What states are in New England!??!" (if you have to ask, how did you even get to this blog???)
  7. "Can we rewind to watch the ads instead!!!?!"
  8. "Ugh, is this game over yet!?!? (don't even dare say that. The Super Bowl is longer than most football games because...well, you guessed it, the ads, the halftime show...the stuff YOU are probably watching it for)!
  9. "I can't eat that! I'm on a diet!!!!!!" (c'mon. It's the Super Bowl. One of the few times a year where it's just expected to eat like a fatty. ENJOY it).
And...if you can't remember any of these 9, just please, please, PLEEEEEEEASE, for all of womankind, do not utter this phrase:

"OMG! I'M TOTALLY GONNA GET A [insert Tom Brady or Eli Manning, whichever QB wins] PINK JERSEY FOR NEXT SEASON!!!!!!!!!!"

Please and thank you. Enjoy the game. Neither of us really care as much this time around...we think it's the "Un-Super Bowl," since the Saints and Ravens are not in it.

Lauren & Lily

Friday, January 13, 2012

2011 NFL Playoffs: Divisional Weekend Cheat Sheet

Wow, could I have been more off on my predictions last weekend? Yikes. Ended up going 1-3. Here's hoping this weekend fares a bit better.

Again, you will not have a break from football on Saturday. Like last week, you'll have the two matchups late afternoon Saturday, followed by the mid/late-afternoon matchups on Sunday. Here goes nothing...

Saturday, January 14, 4:30 pm EST
New Orleans Saints @ San Francisco 49ers
Well this matchup pits my one winning pick last week versus a surprising team this season. With a new coach in Jim Harbaugh, the 49ers were not thought to be a team to make the playoffs, much less take the #2 seed. But Harbaugh has instilled a winning philosophy into his team. Honey badger don't care. This is a toughie,, I really just don't know who to pick, AND I like both teams, so I can't even go with a bias've got a powerful offense in the Saints and a very stingy and aggressive defense in the 49ers...I mean...this could go either way.

Prediction? Saints 28, 49ers, 27...yes...or it could go the other way around...

Saturday, January 14, 8 pm EST
Denver Broncos @ New England Patriots
Well ain't this a surprise! No Pittsburgh? Tebow prevailed last week in overtime, which, unless you live under a rock (in which case, how did you get here?), I do not need to explain the outcome. Tebow faces a bigger challenge this, not the Pats' defense (no one is scared of that), but the Pats' offense. Again, unless you live under a rock, you should know who Tom Brady is. A master picker-aparter of defenses. Broncos boast a solid one. I just think their magic may run out this time. Sorry, Willis McGahee, you know I still like you.

Prediction? Patriots 30, Broncos 21...wish I could say it was closer...

Sunday, January 15, 1 pm EST
Houston Texans @ Baltimore Ravens
OK, if you know me well, you'll know I have major stake in this game. I mean c'mon, Lauren "Purple Friday." So I'll be at this game...meaning the Ravens will win...ha but seriously, I'm a little nervous. Though the Texans are on the third string quarterback, he's proved to be a decent game manager, and the last time we beat the Texans, they were without Andre Johnson (though they did have Matt Schaub). That game was close and it was in Baltimore. In the end, I believe it'll come down to who has the better quarterback...and in this case, that will be Joe Flacco.

Prediction? Ravens 24, Texans 20...yup, a close one...

Sunday, January 15, 4:30 pm EST
New York Giants @ Green Bay Packers
Like Texans-Ravens, this is another rematch of a close game. Not too long ago, the Giants were nearly the first team to end the Packers' unbeaten streak. But, as is usually the case, Aaron Rodgers prevailed. This one should be pretty close itself, with both teams seeking some sort of "revenge." The Giants on their loss aforementioned, and the Packers on the NFC championship loss back in 2008 (the year the G-men would go on to win the Superbowl). In the end, I predict a possible overtime victory...

Prediction? Packers 32, Giants, 29...random score, yes.

So let's see if I can go better than 1-3 this weekend...and if I have to go 1-3, you know which game I want to be right about!

Happy Purple Friday!

Friday, January 6, 2012

2011 NFL Playoffs: Wild Card Weekend Cheat Sheet

Well, another NFL regular season has wrapped up. As usual, it went all too fast and I can't believe we're already into the postseason, especially considering around six months ago, we were unsure if there'd even be a season.

With the end comes the beginning of one thing...PLAYOFFS! For my NFL newbies, I've put together a quick 'n' dirty cheat sheet so you can chime in on this weekend's conversation.

Important: this weekend, unlike most, there will be NFL football on both Saturday and Sunday. So you gotta be ready for a whole weekend of football!

Saturday, January 7, 4:30 pm EST
Cincinnati Bengals @ Houston Texans
This game features the surprising Bengals (9-7), with their ginger-maned rookie quarterback, Andy Dalton and their, well, distractionless 2011 squad. I say distractionless, because you don't even have to be a huge NFL fan to remember the days of Ochocinco and TO. Lately, their biggest distraction has been seeing how high Jerome Simpson can flip into the endzone. You've got to credit the Bengals' coach, Marvin Lewis, who turned what was expected to be another disappointing season into a relatively successul one.

The other side of the ball features the Texans, who are making their first-ever playoff appearance. That's something to celebrate. Granted, playing in the same division as the Peyton-less Colts and the hapless Jaguars did help. But the Texans proved they are a team that subscribes to the "next man up" philosophy. Except that recently, they've took a tumble, losing their past three quarterbacks and having to start their fourth of the year. Third stringer TJ Yates, who hurt his non-throwing shoulder on Sunday, is appearing likely to play. Not sure if that's good or bad, seeing I don't know much about this guy having seen him in so few games...

My prediction? Bengals win, 27-24. I'd prefer the Texans win so we can face them at M&T on the 15th, but I just don't see them pulling it out with all the injuries.

Saturday,  January 7, 8 pm EST
Detroit Lions @ New Orleans Saints
Well this is one game where I really don't have anything against either team. You've got the good ol' Lions, who haven't made the playoffs since the 90s, and the Saints, who bolster a roster of many "good guys," a la Drew Brees and Jimmy Graham. So basically, do you cheer for the surprise story of the NFC, the underdog in this situation, given how hard it is to win in New Orleans? Or do you go for the favorites, knowing you may not have a huge problem seeing the Saints in the Superbowl again. I imagine this will be a high-scoring affair, pitting two pass-heavy offenses (led by Brees on the Saints and Matt Stafford on the Lions) against each other.

My prediction? Saints win (you're welcome, Lily!), 45-36 (yeah, pulled that second number out of my ass). The Saints are unstoppable at home, but I do hope it's a close, exciting game, being in the nighttime spot!

Get enough rest on Saturday night? I didn't think so. Onto Sunday!

Sunday, January 8, 1 pm EST
Atlanta Falcons @ New York Giants
I hope to write another entry on this topic soon, but this matchup has a 10-6 team (Falcons) going on the road to play a 9-7 team (Giants). This discrepancy isn't so terrible, but remember last year's Saints (11-5) going on the road to play a mediocre (or so we thought) Seattle Seahwaks at 7-9? Something just doesn't seem right about a team in a tough division finishing in second place at 10-6 going on the road to face a "lesser" opponent. But that's for another time. This matchup is about two teams that have been slightly schizophrenic all season. You've got prettyboy "Matty Ice" for the Falcons versus ELISHA (Eli) Manning on the Giants. One thing you can look forward to, if the Giants lose, is seeing the Manning pout. I imagine this will be a closer game, and another high-scoring affair.

My prediction? Falcons win, 33-30. I almost flipped a coin, though. The Falcons, who play in a dome most of the season, aren't as used to the cold, windy temperatures that they'll face in New Jersey (yep, stadium is not actually in New York!). However, the Giants have been so unpredictable this season, that I really just don't know if I can trust them...

Sunday, January 8, 4:30 pm EST
Pittsburgh Steelers @ Denver Broncos
Well ladies, I don't think I need to help you on this one. Tim Tebow vs. Ben Roethlisberger. Religious devotee versus former accused rapist. Need I say more? In both of their defenses, Tebow has shown toughness and character throughout his up and down ride to a season. He led his, what we originally thought was hopeless, Denver Broncos to six wins in a row. Which was abruptly cut short by Tom Brady, as they lost their final three in unadmirable fashion. But, since the rest of the Broncos' division is just...unfort...they backed into the playoffs. Then you have the Steelers, who show another reason why I think the seeding should be re-thought. They're 12-4, and they're playing 8-8 Broncos in Denver. Whatever. You've got a limping Big Ben, starting running back out for the year, and numerous other injuries. I don't think this will be a high-scoring affair, especially since the combined amount of points scored by each team last week was 16. Then again, I can never really count out Big Ben (I'm a Ravens fan, need I say more?) nor can I count out Tebow (religious powers on his side).

My prediction? Steelers win, 16-10. Wow, do I really have 3/4 of all road teams winning this weekend? Let's see how that holds up...

Stay tuned next week as I preview the divisional matchups!

Happy Purple Friday!