Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Football gameday etiquette

Hello there. I apologize that it's been nearly a month since our last post. I will admit I got a bit wrapped up in the Orioles' surprise playoff run, which distracted me a bit from my extracurricular activities. Now that they are out, I can refocus my efforts on football! Yay!

Anyway, with the few games I've attended this season, I've seen a fair amount of annoying fan behavior. I figure why not start a football etiquette handbook! Now, that may take a for now I will leave you with some of my "favorite" do's and don'ts for attending football games. Note that unless otherwise specified, these apply to both pro and college.

If you remember one thing from this post: PLEASE wait until the play is over until you return to your seat. I see this at least once a game. The clueless fans a few rows in front of me are in the aisle, and I assume they're going to hold off going to their seats. NOPE. There they go, walking in front of people in their row, while the ball is snapped. People are forced to stand up, and obstruct the game for the others. PLEASE don't do this. I know it sounds simple, but it goes a long way.

This isn't soccer. Shut the hell up when your team is on offense. I had the priviledge of attending a Maryland game a few weeks ago. We had the ball, and all was quiet, until the kid a few rows in front of me starting SCREAMING (and yes, he was wearing Maryland attire, so he wasn't trying to cheer on the defense). That was annoying enough, but when he turned around and got mad that all of us weren't screaming prior to the snap, I really got fed up! Fans, know when to cheer - when your team is on DEFENSE, not offense. This also goes for starting a wave...don't do it on offense! Really though, I'm not a huge wave fan unless the game is a complete blowout and you're bored. More for baseball, anyway.

Don't be THAT fan. What does "that fan" entail, you ask? Well, it's probably the feeling I get inside when I see annoying Steelers fans at Ravens games. I want to yell at them, maybe even throw trash at them, but I refrain. It's embarrassing and tacky. Yes, talk smack (without going too overboard) all you want, but try and be classy . You'll look like less of an idiot if for some reason your team goes down.

Don't pull a Chiefs fan. A few weeks ago, the Ravens played the Chiefs in what amounted to a very ugly game for both teams. The down-and-out Chiefs, who to this day have only squeaked out one win, had Matt Cassel under center, much to the fans' dismay. They even had a plane with a banner fly over during the game, calling for the firing of the owner and benching of Cassel. So what happened when Cassel went down with a concussion and was forced out of the game? The fans cheered! Made me sick. This also happened back in the day with Kyle Boller on the Ravens. Fans, let's not turn this into Gladiator. Yes, you're frustrated and excited for a new quarterback to get a chance. But let's not make the embattled quarterback's life worse than it already is.

If you're twirling a where you put it. This is mostly geared toward Steelers fans, but at an O's playoff game, they gave out "rally towel." I, being an inexperienced towel user, proceded to twirl it without regard. Too bad I hit my brother in the face multiple times. Just have some sense of where that towel is going!

If you don't own a jersey, think before you dress. Realize what colors your opponent is wearing, and don't wear those to the game. I know, it sounds silly. But at the first Ravens game of the season (versus the orange and black Bengals), I saw a little too much orange and black. In reality, these were Ravens fans supporting the O's and their remarkable season, which I'm cool with...but keep it simple with a hat that clearly has the cartoon bird on it, not some sketchy orange and black t-shirt...

Another no-brainer, but be respectful. Take off your hat during the national anthem, and stay silent during a moment of silence. I've heard people yell obscenities while the stadium tried to honor someone's life, and it just didn't feel right.

There you have it. My partial list of do's and don'ts for those lucky enough to attend a game. Have any to add? We'd love to hear!

Yours truly,
Lauren "Purple Friday"