Friday, February 3, 2012

Top 10 Things NOT to Say During Superbowl

OK,'s that time of year. The time where you can really put that football knowledge to good use. But if you're still a beginner, no worries. Just follow our list of the top 10 things you just don't want to say while watching this year's Super Bowl. Follow these, and you may just earn a little more respect from the guys!
  1. "That Tom Brady.... he's sooooooooo dreamy!!!"  (Sorry, but Beiber...I mean Brady, makes me want to gag. Sad excuse for a man...unless a man abandoning his pregnant girlfriend for a supermodel does it for you).
  2. "Just let me know when the halftime show starts." (Do yourself a favor...if you don't like football, just make yourself scarce and save everyone the pain).
  3. "Is Madonna on YET?!" (Just don't even think about it).
  5. "OH MY GOD it's Peyton!!!!! (no, it's actually Eli...Peyton didn't play one snap of football all season due to a neck injury and he may not even return at all...)
  6. "What states are in New England!??!" (if you have to ask, how did you even get to this blog???)
  7. "Can we rewind to watch the ads instead!!!?!"
  8. "Ugh, is this game over yet!?!? (don't even dare say that. The Super Bowl is longer than most football games because...well, you guessed it, the ads, the halftime show...the stuff YOU are probably watching it for)!
  9. "I can't eat that! I'm on a diet!!!!!!" (c'mon. It's the Super Bowl. One of the few times a year where it's just expected to eat like a fatty. ENJOY it).
And...if you can't remember any of these 9, just please, please, PLEEEEEEEASE, for all of womankind, do not utter this phrase:

"OMG! I'M TOTALLY GONNA GET A [insert Tom Brady or Eli Manning, whichever QB wins] PINK JERSEY FOR NEXT SEASON!!!!!!!!!!"

Please and thank you. Enjoy the game. Neither of us really care as much this time around...we think it's the "Un-Super Bowl," since the Saints and Ravens are not in it.

Lauren & Lily